16 Abandoned Places You Would Surely Love To Visit
When you are little, it is inevitable to imagine what the house of your dreams will be like—where we will live with our family and spend the rest of the days. In general, we used to imagine castles, spaceships, and places with a lot of space to do a little bit of everything.
But already in adult life, the situation changes a bit, and the reality is very different from what we imagined. Of course, some have the joy of fulfilling their dreams, even if they are a little different from what they wanted as children.
Despite the fact that we all have that frustrated dream, there is something that will not change for the world: admiration for abandoned houses and buildings. Despite the fact that they are in unfavorable conditions, they continue to offer a beautiful view that those who know how to take advantage of it can see.
It is based on the latter that today we want to offer you some examples of abandoned houses in all parts of the world. Some examples are over 30 years old or even older. In fact, you won’t believe that some of the examples to be shown are currently abandoned.
#16 After more than 30 years, the authorities in the United States continue to affirm that this building will collapse soon. It is so expensive that they prefer to leave it like that rather than fix it for use.

#15: This is an entire neighborhood that is abandoned—things that only happen in Cyprus.

#14 At some point in history, it was a luxurious hotel in the forest. Now it only remains as one more element of the forest.

#13: This is what happens when you have a stave church in Wisconsin and they never finish putting the façade on it.

#12 To this day, no one knows exactly what this church hides inside.

11: Although it is an original construction, sadly, it was abandoned many years ago.

#10 This is a clear example of American architecture. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the owners of this beautiful place.

#09 If you ever wondered what the hippie house looked like, this is what it looks like, even though it’s abandoned. It is located somewhere in Canada.

#08: After several decades of not being used, the greenhouse has already been invaded by weeds and the rest of nature.

#07: It is not a castle but rather a factory that can be perfectly used to record scenes in the old style.

#06 It belongs to private property in Germany. It is a church that has been abandoned and is a perfect option to take photos as a tourist.

#05 It looks like a Photoshop montage, but the location is on the Vestfirdir peninsula in Iceland.

#04 It could be said that it is a structural relic that the United States of America has. Despite being abandoned for more than 100 years, they are still in very good condition.

#03: It is curious how what is abandoned tends to have a beautiful view, especially in autumn.

#02 Nobody imagined that this building, built in the last century, would serve as a water station.

#01: This beautiful palace located in Poland, if we zoom out a bit, takes us back to that medieval era, or 200 years ago, with refined people. As a curious fact, it was built in 1360. At the moment, nobody dares to restore it.

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