A man spends all his savings on his sick dog.

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The man lived without a family. He had no family or friends, but a faithful friend, a dog. The man had lived with his dog for ten years. During one of his walks, something unusual and frightening happened.

The dog, still happy and active, suddenly lost consciousness.

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The owner immediately took the dog to a doctor. After an examination, the veterinarian gave the owner unpleasant news: the dog was suffering from an illness. Although a lot of money is needed, the pensioner decided to try to save his faithful friend.

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But to do this, he had to spend all his savings. These funds were the man’s last savings, but he simply couldn’t leave his dog without help. This costly operation was a success.

The dog quickly recovered and was able to lead a normal canine life, frolicking in the fresh air, chasing pigeons in the park, and barking at passersby.

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Nobody knows how long the dog, saved by his master, will live. However, the man hopes that he will enjoy her loyalty and selfless love for a long time.

The owner of the dog does not regret having lost all his money.

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