30 fascinating pictures of rare and endangered animal species
|Due to human activities and various natural causes, some animal species that have been living in our environment for many years are becoming extinct. Thus, the extinct animals face various challenges, and to overcome these challenges, they try to save their lives with various strategies.But unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, they are threatened with extinction.
British national Tim Flach has documented the animals that are threatened with extinction on earth. According to that document, various reasons have been mentioned for the threat of extinction of these animals, and the main reasons are hunting of animals, sale of animals to the black market, and destruction of their habitats.
However, we need to take these animals seriously.We human beings have the right to live on earth as well as all other animals. So it is our responsibility to protect other animals, including humans, who are the most intelligent among animals.
Now let’s take a look at some of the most fascinating photographs of some of the rarest species mentioned in Tim Flach’s book.
#30 Saiga

#29 Polar Bear

#28 Philippine Eagle

#27 Hyacinth Macaw

#28 African Elephant

#27 Iberian Lynx

#26 Snow Leopard

#25 Cheetah With Cubs

#24 Ring Tailed Lemur

#23 White Bellied Pangolin

#22 Ploughshare Tortoise

#21 Red Panda

#22 Fireflies

#21 Hippopotamus

#20 Giant Panda

#19 Red Crown Crane

#18 Golden Snub Nosed Monkey

#17 Pied Tamarin

#16 Sea Angels

#15 Shoebill

#14 Northern White Rhinoceros

#13 Military Macaw

#12 European Honey Bee

#11 Egyptian Vulture

#10 Scimitar Oryx’s

#09 Western Lowland Gorillas

#08 Scallope Hammerhead Aggregation

#07 Blue Throated Macaw

#06 Proboscis Monkey

#05 Kaiser’s Newt

#04 Indian Gharial

#03 Yellow-Eyed Tree Frog

#02 Arabian Oryx

#01 Marine Iguana