An expert gives the homeless a total makeover.

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Not all of us have the same opportunities in life, although without a doubt we all deserve to lead a dignified life. Unfortunately, this situation is not perceived equally, and everyone leads a different lifestyle depending on the conditions and environment that are in front of them. And, although we all want the more than 8 million people in the world to sleep every night under a safe roof and in the warmth of their home, unfortunately, this does not happen in many cases.

That is why we always see hundreds of homeless people on the street, who simply survive from what is in their path or from the charity of those who sympathize with their unfortunate situation. And, although it is well known that most people turn a blind eye when they see a homeless person on the street (many times out of fear of them or because they do not like to have the reality of others so close), there is a group of people who not only care about the homeless but also take care of giving them as decent treatment as anyone deserves.

One of them is the stylist from Brazil who goes by the name Leandro Matas, who has taken on the task of starting a new project to improve the lives of these homeless people. This is how this young Brazilian spends his time: going out at least three times a week to try to improve the lives of these types of people, starting with a new look. The truth is that Leonardo’s good intentions are worthy of admiration, and although many of these homeless people reject him, questioning his good gesture, those who have trusted the boy’s hand seem more than happy with their new change of look.

In this way, the young man does his work without asking for anything in return for himself, but for his “clients”, who are dedicated to posting their photos on social networks, posting a bit of their story, and also adding a list of the essential things that they need to live in a better way, betting that someone else wants to join the cause and thus collaborate with these homeless people.

The truth is that the young man’s project has touched the hearts of all of us, and that is why we are going to present you in our gallery today, the most impressive renovations and makeovers that Leandro has managed to do for this type of people, who we must anticipate, have been left in such an incredible way that just seeing the before and after will leave us speechless, and also invites us to join this cause, making us understand that there are second chances in this life.

More information: Instagram

1) We have no doubt that he looks like a new person.

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2) A new haircut for the birthday boy of the day.

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3) We cannot deny that they look like two completely different individuals.

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4) Maria now looks like a new woman.

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5) This girl is called Carol, and her biggest dream is to get her home back.

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6)The truth is that she looks like a model taken from a magazine with her new appearance.

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7) From pulling a shopping cart through the streets to being the king of fashion.

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8) There are second chances for everyone in this world.

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9) Look at everything a good haircut can do.

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10) The difference is immense, and her smile shows it all.

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11) It is hard to believe that it is the same person.

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12) It just takes the right stylist to work their magic, and these kinds of changes happen.

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13) That is what we call the ying and the yang.

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14) Seeing the happy face of this woman is worth it.

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15) It seems that we are taking a look at the past, but in reverse.

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16) Changes for the better will always be welcome, and his face shows it.

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17) The entire family received a gift full of joy.

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