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Why do families with many children think that they owe everything to them? What do they expect by giving birth to so many children?

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On the Internet, there are often stories about low-income families where a single woman brings up several children. She asks for clothes, food, and financial assistance. She tells how poor and unhappy she is; her husband left her, her relatives turned away, and there is no work. But who is to blame?

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Why does she rely only on the good nature of strangers?When I got to the next story, I expressed my opinion to my friends. I consider such women to be consumerists and irresponsible. But they condemned me and called me soulless. You see, we must support single mothers and help them.

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Honestly? I’m against! Why should I give my hard-earned money to a stranger who didn’t lift a finger? Who made her decide to have so many children? She must understand that children need to be fed, clothed, and taught. Here, you can hardly put one child on his feet, and they have four, five, six, and ad infinitum! There is no need to tell you that men are goats. This woman made her own choice.

The most interesting thing is that such women simply give birth and do not even ask their husbands if they want to provide for so many children. Of course, the men then leave because they simply can’t stand it. They are anti-abortion but spreaders of poverty. You can have a long discussion on this topic.

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I believe that a woman should give birth to as many children as she can raise herself. Alas, the husband is a fickle creature. You don’t have to rely on it too much.If you are against contraception and abortion, then forget about intimate life altogether. They chose a convenient position: to give birth endlessly, sit on maternity leave for decades, and shift the provision of children to complete strangers.

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This is nonsense! Sensibly evaluate the situation and your capabilities, and then give birth. There is nothing to beg for or demand money from strangers.