Photographer Masayuki Oki captures the funny daily life of cats in Japan.
Cats are independent animals, endearing, and above all, very clever. But they also happen to be incredibly funny, sometimes at their expense. In recent years, photographer Masayuki Oki has made it his specialty: he travels across Japan to immortalize cats in the funniest situations.
The Land of the Rising Sun is one of the most popular destinations due to its cultural and historical richness and picturesque islands, such as the island of Tashirojima, better known as Cat Island, which is mainly populated by felines. For the record, Japan would also have more cats than inhabitants!
The designer has traveled hundreds of kilometers to discover these unusual villages for almost ten years. He took the opportunity to take his lens and photograph the animals in their wild habitats, sometimes creating hilarious scenes. And for a good reason, we discover them driving a scooter, sticking out their tongues, hiding behind a bicycle pedal, taking a break, or massaging themselves.
So if you are a lover of these four-legged friends, we let you admire the funny and cute shots of cats immortalized by Masayuki Oki without further delay. To see more, you can go to his Instagram account.
And in a similar spirit, we invite you to (re)discover the Twitter account Cats With Jobs which shares photos of cats at work and funny and touching portraits of cats by Elke Vogelsang.